y chromosome


y chromosome 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. a sex chromosome of humans and most mammals that is present only in males and is paired with an X chromosome.

y chromosome 近义词

y chromosome

等同于 sex chromosome

更多y chromosome例句

  1. Why do you think you were “an asperg-y movie fan…a jabbering repellent acolyte?”
  2. Lyricist E. Y. “Yip” Harburg was as provocative as Hammerstein, though with a much less earnest, more whimsical sensibility.
  3. Very bass-y house, if I was in my element and playing what I like to play.
  4. With the freedom of doing that, we were able to do a non-human, flip-y thing.
  5. I was like, “In what world do I look like I would play the WASP-y wife?”
  6. If the "Y" Beach lot press their advantage they may cut off the enemy troops on the toe of the Peninsula.
  7. Y was a Youth, that did not love school; Z was a Zany, a poor harmless fool.
  8. D'o l'on peut aussy veoir, quelle esperance il y a de planter une belle chrestient par tels evangelistes.
  9. Ajoutez cecy, s'il vous plaist, la grande difficult qu'il y a de tirer d'eux les mots mesmes qu'ils ont.
  10. Il n'y eut celuy de nous qui ne jugeast tel metheore prodigieux.